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London & North Eastern Railway No. 60103 (4472)  'Flying Scotsman' 4-6-2
DSB No. F 656 0-6-0T
TZR No. TZR 60 2-8-2
Gruen & Biflinger AG No. None 0-4-0T
CR No. QJ 6375 2-10-2
Site Statistics
Total Locomotives (Existing + Scrapped): 21754
Locomotives with Photos: 15518
Locomotives without Photos: 6236
Scrapped Locomotives: 1396
Locomotives with Maps: 9887
Photo Albums: 5596
Total Photos in System: 32677
Locomotives with Video: 1570
Lost Locomotives: 869
Last Update: Aug 28th, 2023
Article Title: Some Notes About Gauge in Our Database
Last Update: July 7th, 2024
Article Title: CFR 0-8-0T No. 764.344
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Items of Interest
Dec 20, 2024:  Announcement   I regret to inform you that the forums system attached to steamlocomotive.info has been temporarily shut down until it can be made more useful and more secure. I'll announce its return here. Regards, Doug